In this surrealist aquatint, Bongibault draws us in to an unknown story – perhaps a passage to a better future in the new year. Art allows you to let your imagination create the story. What you see there is up to you. Enjoy new beginnings!
With the long low light of winter, it’s a good time to check your art on paper, photos, heirlooms, and important documents. Framed work, even on a north wall, can have direct sunlight hitting the glass. This causes moisture condensation, buckling of the artwork, off gassing of printing inks, and drip marks on pastels. This can happen in minutes, especially with dark images.
Check framed work for mold or other unusual spots. See if the dust cover on the back tightly seals the frame. Look for insects, dirt, and dust under the glass. If the bevel of the mat is brown, it is an acid paper pulp mat that damages artwork. If the glass does not have small ripples, it doesn’t provide UV protection. Check for damage or changes on unframed work as well.
We can open frames and help you decide what to do to restore artwork or replace mats and glass in your existing frame to prevent further damage. We can also help you choose framing, or conservation storage methods for unframed work. For more information, see our Care of Artwork section, listed at left on the navigation bar.
Here are some of our “old favorites for a new year,” which are examples of the types of artwork needing special attention.

“Brenneis Bros. Calendar ”
Artist Unknown
Offset Lithograph 1905

“Pompei Design ”
Laurent Hours
Mixed Media Drawing

“ Peter and Wendy ”
F. D. Bedford
First Edition Book 1911

“Rock Garden in Nara ”
Seiichiro Konishi
Japanese Woodblock 1976

“Beatles Yellow Submarine Lobby Card 5 ”
United Artists
1st Ed. Offset Lithograph 1968

“Forest Light”
Paul Gentry
Wood Engraving

“Indenture - Arthur Pimm ”
Artist Unknown
Ink on Vellum 1860

“Still Life with Peaches ”
E. L. Hadland
Pastel c.1900

Gabriel Bodenehr
Copperplate Engraving 1720

“Common Bluebird ”
John James Audubon
HC Lithograph 1839-44

“The Elephant ”
Artist Unknown
HC Engraving 19th C.

Diane Steen
Remember, we have many items in the gallery that are not on our website.
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