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ID 05056; "The Highland Keeper's Daughter"; R. Ansdell, After; 1876; Engraving, Steel; 7.5 x 10; Shrink; $35.00; Art Journal. D. Appleton & Co. NY. 
ID 00781; "Hudson Bay Lemming"; Plate 119; John James Audubon; 1851; Lithograph, HC; Matted; $150.00 
ID 05751; "Prairie Dog"; John James Audubon; Lithograph, HC; 10 x 6.5; Matted; $175.00; Quadrupeds of North America. 9 vol. 
ID 05750; "Tawny Weasel"; John James Audubon; 1849-54; Lithograph, HC; 10 x 6.5; Matted; $95.00; Vivoparous Quadrupeds of North America. 8 vol. Pub. J. T. Brown, Philadelphia, 1849-54 
ID 10213; "Espece de Crocodile, nomme Alligator…."; Pl. 23; Jacques Nicolas Bellin; 1747; Engraving, Copperplate; 5.5 x 4.75; Matted; $120.00; Antoine-Francois Prevot " L'Histoire Generale des Voyages. The Hague 
ID 09770; "Mithrax"; Pl. 379; Adolphe Beuys; 1836; Engraving; 7 x 10; Matted; $50.00; Guerin's Dictionaire Pittoresque. Vol. 1 
ID 08340; "Antelope"; Restrike; Thomas Bewick; Engraving, Wood; 3 x 2.5; Matted; $45.00 
ID 01563; "Goat"; Restrike; Thomas Bewick; Engraving, Wood; 6 x 4; Matted; $50.00 
ID 01816; "Amphibia: Calopeltis leopardina"; Tab. 6; Blumenstengel; 1842; Engraving, Copperplate,Stipple, HC; 10.5 X 15.75; Shrink; $175.00; M. Anatole de Demidoff:Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale et la Crimee, Hongrie, Valachie, Moldavie. Published by Ernest Bourdin, Paris 1842. Engraved by Le Brun. color by Gerard, Bougeard imp. 
ID 02865; "Amphibia: Tropidonotus Natrix"; Tab. 11; Blumenstengel; 1842; Engraving, Copperplate,Stipple, HC; 10.5 X 15.75; Matted; $475.00; M. Anatole de Demidoff:Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale et la Crimee, Hongrie, Valachie, Moldavie. Published by Ernest Bourdin, Paris 1842. Engraved by Fornier. color by Gerard, Bougeard imp. 
ID 08203; "Tiger"; Rosa Bonheur, After; 1900; Photogravure; 8 x 5.25; Shrink; $65.00; George Petit, Imp. Italier Rosa Bonheur. Paris 
ID 08392; "Untitled: goat, details"; Example VI; Rosa Bonheur, After; 11.5 x 8.75; Shrink; $25.00 
ID 08391; "Untitled: horse, owl, other birds"; Example VII; Rosa Bonheur, After; 12.5 x 9; Shrink; $25.00 
ID 10946; "Brauner Falschmund, Die Ratte,"; 74; Joseph Brodtmann; 1824; 9 x 12.5; Shrink; $65.00; Heintrich Rudolf Schinz Naturhistorische Biler Gallerie aus dem Theirreiche 1824-32 
ID 10954; "Capischer Klippschliefer, Der Emgallo"; 91; Joseph Brodtmann; 1824; 9 x 12.5; Shrink; $65.00; Heintrich Rudolf Schinz Naturhistorische Biler Gallerie aus dem Theirreiche 1824-32 
ID 10957; "Das Achte Bisamthier, Das Lama"; 117; Joseph Brodtmann; 1824; 9 x 12.5; Shrink; $65.00; Heintrich Rudolf Schinz Naturhistorische Biler Gallerie aus dem Theirreiche 1824-32 
ID 10956; "Das Dromedar, Das Kamerl"; 116; Joseph Brodtmann; 1824; 9 x 12.5; Shrink; $65.00; Heintrich Rudolf Schinz Naturhistorische Biler Gallerie aus dem Theirreiche 1824-32 
ID 10948; "Das Grossthier - Megatherium"; 82; Joseph Brodtmann; 1824; 9 x 12.5; Shrink; $65.00; Heintrich Rudolf Schinz Naturhistorische Biler Gallerie aus dem Theirreiche 1824-32 
ID 10951; "Das Hausschwein, Das Flusspfer, Hippopotamus"; 89; Joseph Brodtmann; 1824; 9 x 12.5; Shrink; $65.00; Heintrich Rudolf Schinz Naturhistorische Biler Gallerie aus dem Theirreiche 1824-32 
ID 10958; "Das Reh"; 120; Joseph Brodtmann; 1824; 9 x 12.5; Shrink; $65.00; Heintrich Rudolf Schinz Naturhistorische Biler Gallerie aus dem Theirreiche 1824-32 
ID 10939; "Das Zebu, Syhletanischer Och u Kuh"; Taf. 71; Joseph Brodtmann; 1827; 9 x 12.5; Shrink; $65.00; Heintrich Rudolf Schinz Naturhistorische Biler Gallerie aus dem Theirreiche 1824-32 
ID 10952; "Der Hischeber, Pekari"; 90; Joseph Brodtmann; 1824; 9 x 12.5; Shrink; $65.00; Heintrich Rudolf Schinz Naturhistorische Biler Gallerie aus dem Theirreiche 1824-32 
ID 10953; "Der Nashorn von Sumatra"; 94; Joseph Brodtmann; 1824; 9 x 12.5; Shrink; $40.00; Heintrich Rudolf Schinz Naturhistorische Biler Gallerie aus dem Theirreiche 1824-32 
ID 10938; "Der Sumpfhirsch"; Taf. 60; Joseph Brodtmann; 1827; 9 x 12.5; Shrink; $65.00; Heintrich Rudolf Schinz Naturhistorische Biler Gallerie aus dem Theirreiche 1824-32 
ID 10945; "Die Blindmaus, Der Lemming, Der Coypu"; 73; Joseph Brodtmann; 1824; 9 x 12.5; Shrink; $65.00; Heintrich Rudolf Schinz Naturhistorische Biler Gallerie aus dem Theirreiche 1824-32 
ID 10941; "Europaischer Auerochs, Weiblicher Bison"; Taf. 73; Joseph Brodtmann; 1827; 9 x 12.5; Shrink; $65.00; Heintrich Rudolf Schinz Naturhistorische Biler Gallerie aus dem Theirreiche 1824-32 
ID 10949; "Gemeines, Der Enkubert"; 83; Joseph Brodtmann; 1824; 9 x 12.5; Shrink; $65.00; Heintrich Rudolf Schinz Naturhistorische Biler Gallerie aus dem Theirreiche 1824-32 
ID 10955; "Grosses Mastodon, Grosses Palaeotherium"; 95; Joseph Brodtmann; 1824; 9 x 12.5; Shrink; $65.00; Heintrich Rudolf Schinz Naturhistorische Biler Gallerie aus dem Theirreiche 1824-32 
ID 10940; "Hollandisches Rindvieh"; Taf. 72; Joseph Brodtmann; 1827; 9 x 12.5; Shrink; $65.00; Heintrich Rudolf Schinz Naturhistorische Biler Gallerie aus dem Theirreiche 1824-32 
ID 10942; "Indischer Dugung, Der Wallfisch"; Taf. 74; Joseph Brodtmann; 1827; 9 x 12.5; Shrink; $75.00; Heintrich Rudolf Schinz Naturhistorische Biler Gallerie aus dem Theirreiche 1824-32 
ID 10943; "Schedel"; 71; Joseph Brodtmann; 1824; 9 x 12.5; Shrink; $40.00; Heintrich Rudolf Schinz Naturhistorische Biler Gallerie aus dem Theirreiche 1824-32 
ID 10959; "Schwarzer bengalisher hirsch, Der virginische Hirsch"; 121; Joseph Brodtmann; 1824; 9 x 12.5; Shrink; $65.00; Heintrich Rudolf Schinz Naturhistorische Biler Gallerie aus dem Theirreiche 1824-32 
ID 10937; "Stachelthier, Vierzehiger, Springer Kirgisischer, Plattschwanzigerr"; Taf. 38; Joseph Brodtmann; 1827; Lithograph; 9 x 12.5; Shrink; $65.00; Heintrich Rudolf Schinz Naturhistorische Biler Gallerie aus dem Theirreiche 1824-32 
ID 10947; "Swinderische Haarschwanzmaus, Der Alackdaga"; 75; Joseph Brodtmann; 1824; 9 x 12.5; Shrink; $65.00; Heintrich Rudolf Schinz Naturhistorische Biler Gallerie aus dem Theirreiche 1824-32 
ID 10944; "Wasserratte, Der Bieber"; 72; Joseph Brodtmann; 1824; 9 x 12.5; Shrink; $65.00; Heintrich Rudolf Schinz Naturhistorische Biler Gallerie aus dem Theirreiche 1824-32 
ID 10960; "Ziegenboch Nepaul, Zigen boch Egypen"; 133; Joseph Brodtmann; 1824; 9 x 12.5; Shrink; $65.00; Heintrich Rudolf Schinz Naturhistorische Biler Gallerie aus dem Theirreiche 1824-32 
ID 01603; "Dasypus (Armadillo)"; J Chapman; 1803; Engraving, HC; 7.5 x 9.25; Matted; $195.00; Published by J. Wilkes 
ID 07757; "Le Vari, Le Loris du Bengale"; Te 3; Chazal & Massart; 19th c.; Lithograph, HC; 5 x 8.5; Matted; $40.00 
ID 07754; "The Dinner Hour"; Joseph Benwell Clark; c. 1870; Etching; 7 x 8; Matted; $75.00 
ID 01700; "Ecailles des Poissons et Reptiles"; Tab. III; Cornuel; 1842; Engraving, Copperplate,Stipple, HC; 10.5 X 15.75; Shrink; $95.00; M. Anatole de Demidoff:Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale et la Crimee, Hongrie, Valachie, Moldavie. Published by Ernest Bourdin, Paris 1842. Engraved by Le Brun, color by Gerard, Bougeard imp. 
ID 01826; "Ecailles des Poissons et Reptiles"; Tab. I; Cornuel; 1842; Engraving, Copperplate,Stipple, HC; 10.5 X 15.75; Shrink; $95.00; M. Anatole de Demidoff:Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale et la Crimee, Hongrie, Valachie, Moldavie. Published by Ernest Bourdin, Paris 1842Engraved by Sebin, color by Gerard, Bougeard imp. 
ID 01823; "Ecailles des Poissons et Reptiles"; Tab. II; Cornuel; 1842; Engraving, Copperplate,Stipple, HC; 10.5 X 15.75; Shrink; $80.00; M. Anatole de Demidoff:Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale et la Crimee, Hongrie, Valachie, Moldavie. Published by Ernest Bourdin, Paris 1842. Engraved by Sebin. color by Gerard, Bougeard imp. 
ID 03419; "Striped Hyena"; W. Daniell; 1807; Aquatint; 7 x 4.5; Matted; $75.00; W. Wood: "Zoography:The Beauties of Nature Displayed" Cadell & Davies, London 
ID 05035; "Returning to the Fold"; H.W.B. Davis, After; 1876; Engraving, Steel; 5.5 x 10; Shrink; $25.00; Art Journal. D. Appleton & Co. NY. 
ID 05563; "Albert"; Lucy Dawson; 1937; Illustration; 9 x 11.25; Shrink; $20.00; Dogs As I See Them, 1937, Grosset & Dunlap, NY 
ID 06047; "Albert"; Lucy Dawson; 1937; Illustration; 9 x 11.25; Shrink; $35.00; Dogs As I See Them, 1937, Grosset & Dunlap, NY 
ID 05569; "Berbay's Lad and the Siamese Cat"; Lucy Dawson; 1937; Illustration; 9 x 11.25; Shrink; $20.00; Dogs As I See Them, 1937, Grosset & Dunlap, NY 
ID 05546; "Berbay's Lad and the Siamese Cat"; Lucy Dawson; 1937; Illustration; 9 x 11.25; Shrink; $28.00; Dogs As I See Them, 1937, Grosset & Dunlap, NY 
ID 05570; "Billy"; Lucy Dawson; 1937; Illustration; 9 x 11.25; Shrink; $20.00; Dogs As I See Them, 1937, Grosset & Dunlap, NY 
ID 05555; "Binkie"; Lucy Dawson; 1937; Illustration; 9 x 11.25; Shrink; $20.00; Dogs As I See Them, 1937, Grosset & Dunlap, NY 
ID 05565; "Boris"; Lucy Dawson; 1937; Illustration; 9 x 11.25; Shrink; $20.00; Dogs As I See Them, 1937, Grosset & Dunlap, NY 
ID 05542; "Boris"; Lucy Dawson; 1937; Illustration; 9 x 11.25; Shrink; $28.00; Dogs As I See Them, 1937, Grosset & Dunlap, NY 
ID 05549; "Caesar"; Lucy Dawson; 1937; Illustration; 9 x 11.25; Shrink; $28.00; Dogs As I See Them, 1937, Grosset & Dunlap, NY 
ID 05571; "Caesar"; Lucy Dawson; 1937; Illustration; 9 x 11.25; Shrink; $20.00; Dogs As I See Them, 1937, Grosset & Dunlap, NY 
ID 05539; "Deena"; Lucy Dawson; 1937; Illustration; 9 x 11.25; Shrink; $28.00; Dogs As I See Them, 1937, Grosset & Dunlap, NY 
ID 05567; "George"; Lucy Dawson; 1937; Illustration; 9 x 11.25; Shrink; $20.00; Dogs As I See Them, 1937, Grosset & Dunlap, NY 
ID 05538; "Jane"; Lucy Dawson; 1937; Illustration; 9 x 11.25; Shrink; $28.00; Dogs As I See Them, 1937, Grosset & Dunlap, NY 
ID 05559; "Jane"; Lucy Dawson; 1937; Illustration; 9 x 11.25; Shrink; $20.00; Dogs As I See Them, 1937, Grosset & Dunlap, NY 
ID 05556; "Joan"; Lucy Dawson; 1937; Illustration; 9 x 11.25; Shrink; $20.00; Dogs As I See Them, 1937, Grosset & Dunlap, NY 
ID 05541; "Joan and Minnie"; Lucy Dawson; 1937; Illustration; 9 x 11.25; Shrink; $28.00; Dogs As I See Them, 1937, Grosset & Dunlap, NY 
ID 05564; "Joan and Minnie"; Lucy Dawson; 1937; Illustration; 9 x 11.25; Shrink; $20.00; Dogs As I See Them, 1937, Grosset & Dunlap, NY 
ID 05550; "Malick and Woodie"; Lucy Dawson; 1937; Illustration; 9 x 11.25; Shrink; $28.00; Dogs As I See Them, 1937, Grosset & Dunlap, NY 
ID 05575; "Mike"; Lucy Dawson; 1937; Illustration; 9 x 11.25; Shrink; $20.00; Dogs As I See Them, 1937, Grosset & Dunlap, NY 
ID 05560; "Oonagh"; Lucy Dawson; 1937; Illustration; 9 x 11.25; Shrink; $20.00; Dogs As I See Them, 1937, Grosset & Dunlap, NY 
ID 05543; "Patch"; Lucy Dawson; 1937; Illustration; 9 x 11.25; Shrink; $28.00; Dogs As I See Them, 1937, Grosset & Dunlap, NY 
ID 05552; "Patrick"; Lucy Dawson; 1937; Illustration; 9 x 11.25; Shrink; $28.00; Dogs As I See Them, 1937, Grosset & Dunlap, NY 
ID 05568; "Red Prince of Wu Sung"; Lucy Dawson; 1937; Illustration; 9 x 11.25; Shrink; $20.00; Dogs As I See Them, 1937, Grosset & Dunlap, NY 
ID 05545; "Red Prince of Wu Sung"; Lucy Dawson; 1937; Illustration; 9 x 11.25; Shrink; $28.00; Dogs As I See Them, 1937, Grosset & Dunlap, NY 
ID 05573; "Trig"; Lucy Dawson; 1937; Illustration; 9 x 11.25; Shrink; $20.00; Dogs As I See Them, 1937, Grosset & Dunlap, NY 
ID 05551; "Trig"; Lucy Dawson; 1937; Illustration; 9 x 11.25; Shrink; $28.00; Dogs As I See Them, 1937, Grosset & Dunlap, NY 
ID 05572; "Woodie"; Lucy Dawson; 1937; Illustration; 9 x 11.25; Shrink; $20.00; Dogs As I See Them, 1937, Grosset & Dunlap, NY 
ID 01182; "Felis tigrina Briff"; Plate CVI; Jacques E. de Seve; 1778; Etching, HC; 7 x 10; Matted; $200.00; Schreber,Johann. Historie Naturalle des Quadrupedes Represente d'apre nature. V. 3 Wolfgang Walther Engraved by H. I. Tyroff 
ID 02385; "Viverra Civetta Buff"; Plate CXI; Jacques E. de Seve; 1778; Etching, HC; 7 x 10; Matted; $200.00; Schreber,Johann. Historie Naturalle des Quadrupedes Represente d'apre nature. V. 3 Wolfgang Walther 
ID 02386; "Viverra Genetta Linn"; Plate CXIII; Jacques E. de Seve; 1778; Etching, HC; 7 x 10; Matted; $200.00; Schreber,Johann. Historie Naturalle des Quadrupedes Represente d'apre nature. V. 3 Wolfgang Walther 
ID 02384; "Viverra Zibetha Linn"; Plate CXII; Jacques E. de Seve; 1778; Etching, HC; 7 x 10; Matted; $200.00; Schreber,Johann. Historie Naturalle des Quadrupedes Represente d'apre nature. V. 3 Wolfgang Walther 
ID 01771; "Polypi: Cellularia avicularia"; Tab. 3; Anatole N. Demidoff; 1842; Engraving, Copperplate,Stipple, HC; 10.5 X 15.75; Shrink; $175.00; M. Anatole de Demidoff:Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale et la Crimee, Hongrie, Valachie, Moldavie. Published by Ernest Bourdin, Paris 1842 color by Gerard, Bougeard imp. 
ID 01775; "Polypi: Plumatella campanulata"; Tab. 1; Anatole N. Demidoff; 1842; Engraving, Copperplate,Stipple, HC; 10.5 X 15.75; Shrink; $175.00; M. Anatole de Demidoff:Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale et la Crimee, Hongrie, Valachie, Moldavie. Published by Ernest Bourdin, Paris 1842 color by Gerard, Bougeard imp. 
ID 02383; "Monkey"; Plate 214; George Edwards; 1758; Etching, HC; 9.5 x 12; Matted; $275.00; Natural Hisory of Uncommon Birds, and of other Rare and Undescribed Animals, etc London 1758 
ID 08546; "Il Cocco, lo Sciacal, il Solitario"; Vol III, Tav 3; Guilio Ferrario; 1826; Etching, HC; 5 x 8; Portfolio; $20.00; Le Costume Ancien et Moderne ou Histoire du Gouvernement, de la Milice, de la Religion, des Arts, Science et Usages de tous les Peuples Anciens et Modernes…Amerique, by Guilio Ferrario. Milan 1826 
ID 07052; "Tapir and Hyrax"; Fig 161; Leopold Joseph Fitzinger; 1860; Chromolithograph; 11 x 8.5; Matted; $85.00; Natural History, published Vienna by k.k.Kaiserlich-Koniglichen, Hofund Staatsdruckerei 
ID 07053; "Marsupials"; Fig 89; Leopold Jospeh Fitzinger; 1860; Chromolithograph; 11 x 8.5; Matted; $85.00; Natural History, published Vienna by k.k.Kaiserlich-Koniglichen, Hofund Staatsdruckerei 
ID 01817; "Amphibia: Coronella laevis"; Tab. 13; Ch. Frank; 1842; Engraving, Copperplate,Stipple, HC; 10.5 X 15.75; Shrink; $175.00; M. Anatole de Demidoff:Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale et la Crimee, Hongrie, Valachie, Moldavie. Published by Ernest Bourdin, Paris 1842. Engraved by Pierre. color by Gerard, Bougeard imp. 
ID 01777; "Crustacea: Astacus leptodactylus"; Tab. 1; Ch. Frank; 1842; Engraving, Copperplate,Stipple, HC; 10.5 X 15.75; Matted; $575.00; M. Anatole de Demidoff:Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale et la Crimee, Hongrie, Valachie, Moldavie. Published by Ernest Bourdin, Paris 1842. Engraved by Mougeot color by Gerard, Bougeard imp. 
ID 02497; "Mammalia: Spalax Pallasii"; Tab. 1; Ch. Frank; 1842; Engraving, Copperplate,Stipple, HC; 10.5 X 15.75; Shrink; $525.00; M. Anatole de Demidoff:Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale et la Crimee, Hongrie, Valachie, Moldavie. Published by Ernest Bourdin, Paris 1842. Engraved by Annedouche, color by Gerard, Bougeard imp. 
ID 02496; "Mammalia: Spalax typhlus"; Tab. 2; Ch. Frank; 1842; Engraving, Copperplate,Stipple, HC; 10.5 X 15.75; Shrink; $525.00; M. Anatole de Demidoff:Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale et la Crimee, Hongrie, Valachie, Moldavie. Published by Ernest Bourdin, Paris 1842. Engraved by Fournier, color by Gerard, Bougeard imp. 
ID 02866; "Mammalia: Spermophilus citillus"; Tab. 3; Ch. Frank; 1842; Engraving, Copperplate,Stipple, HC; 10.5 X 15.75; Matted; $775.00; M. Anatole de Demidoff:Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale et la Crimee, Hongrie, Valachie, Moldavie. Published by Ernest Bourdin, Paris 1842. Engraved by Annedouche, color by Gerard, Bougeard imp. 
ID 08356; "Blacksmith"; Nathaniell Everett Green; Lithograph; 16 x 12; Matted; $85.00 
ID 05724; "Addax"; Plate 25; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 X 3.5; Portfolio; $35.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03898; "Aegagrus (female and young)"; Plate 6; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03897; "Aegagrus (male)"; Plate 5; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03857; "African Buffalo"; Plate 29; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Framed; $100.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03605; "Aguara Dog of the Wood"; Plate 24; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03890; "Aigocerus Niger (deer)"; Plate 21; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03930; "Ailurus Fulgens (cat)"; Plate 17; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 05723; "Algocerus Niger"; Plate 21; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 X 3.5; Portfolio; $35.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03657; "Alpine or Great St. Bernard Dog"; Plate 6; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03644; "American Cross-Fox"; Plate 22; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 08452; "Aotes Trivergatus"; Plate 24; William Jardine; 1833; Engraving, HC; 3.5 x 5.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 08448; "Ateles Paniscus"; Plate 20; William Jardine; 1833; Engraving, HC; 3.5 x 5.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03933; "Badger"; Plate 9; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03908; "Barbary Breed of Wild Sheep"; Plate 17; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03904; "Bearded Argali"; Plate 12; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03654; "Bedouin Greyhound of Akkaba"; Plate 9; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03906; "Black Faced Ram"; Plate 15; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03866; "Black Water Rat"; Plate 28; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03656; "Boar Hound of Germany"; Plate 7; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03858; "British Kyloe (ungulate)"; Plate 28; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03636; "Brown Hyaena"; Plate 28; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03888; "Brown Porcine Axis"; Plate 14; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03869; "Brown Rat"; Plate 24; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03859; "Brown spotted cow"; Plate 27; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03854; "Bubalis (ungulate)"; Plate 18; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03610; "Caama Fennec"; Plate 19; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03861; "Caffrarian Family Travelling (with ox)"; Plate 25; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 08453; "Callithrix Sciureus"; Plate 23; William Jardine; 1833; Engraving, HC; 3.5 x 5.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03894; "Cambing Ootan"; Plate 1; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03601; "Carrier Dog of the Indians"; Plate 4; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03901; "Cashmere Goats"; Plate 9; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03625; "Caygotte of Mexico"; Plate 6; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 08447; "Cebus Fatuellus"; Plate 21; William Jardine; 1833; Engraving, HC; 3.5 x 5.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 08444; "Cebus Monachus"; Plate 22; William Jardine; 1833; Engraving, HC; 3.5 x 5.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 08450; "Cercocebus Fuliginosus"; Plate 12; William Jardine; 1833; Engraving, HC; 3.5 x 5.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 08449; "Cercopithecus Mona"; Plate 19; William Jardine; 1833; Engraving, HC; 3.5 x 5.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 08458; "Cercopthecus Ruber"; Plate 11; William Jardine; 1833; Engraving, HC; 3.5 x 5.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 08441; "Cerocebus Sabaeus"; Plate 13; William Jardine; 1833; Engraving, HC; 3.5 x 5.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03895; "Chamois"; Plate 3; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03875; "Chinchilla Diana Viscachia"; Plate 26; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03562; "Chironectes Yapock"; Plate 4; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 05708; "Chlamphorus Truncatus"; Plate 25; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 X 3.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 02266; "Chryseus"; Plate 3; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; Matted; $55.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03920; "Chryseus or Greyhound Dhoe"; Plate 3; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03645; "Coal Fox of Bavaria"; Plate 21; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03881; "Common Bat"; Plate 4; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 4 x 6.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03614; "Common Jackal"; Plate 15; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03914; "Common Otter"; Plate 15; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 05705; "Common Roebuck"; Plate 15; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 X 3.5; Portfolio; $15.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03872; "Common Shrew"; Plate 6; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03633; "Common Wolf"; Plate 1; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03613; "Corsac Dog-Fox"; Plate 16; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03903; "Corsican Musmon"; Plate 11; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03604; "Crabodage or Surinam Aguara Dog"; Plate 25; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03919; "Crabodago or Azara's Aguara-Fox"; Plate 29; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03584; "Crested Seal"; Plate 14; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 02265; "Cynictis Steedmanni"; Plate 4; William Jardine; 1850; Engraving, HC; Matted; $55.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03561; "Dasyurus Macrourus"; Plate 6; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03549; "Dasyurus Maugei"; Plate 7; William Jardine; c. 1850; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03626; "Dhole (India)"; Plate 7; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03623; "Dhole of Ceylon"; Plate 8; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03621; "Dhole of Sumatra"; Plate 9; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03564; "Didelphys Azarae"; Plate 1; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03568; "Didelphys Derbiana"; Plate 2; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03565; "Didelphys Nudicaudata (Bahaia)"; Plate 2; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03563; "Didelphys Tristriata"; Plate 3; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03618; "Dingo Vol. 1 page 188 (skull)"; Plate 34; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03655; "Dog of the North American Indians"; Plate 8; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03867; "Domestic Mouse"; Plate 25; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03870; "Dormouse"; Plate 22; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 00777; "Dugungus Indicus (Dugong of East Indies)"; Plate 37; William Jardine; c. 1850; Engraving, HC; Matted; $55.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03876; "Echimys Dactylinus Geoff or Longtoed Spinous Rat"; Plate 25; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03926; "Eira Ferruginea (cat)"; Plate 16; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03589; "Enhyda Marina"; Plate 20; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03910; "Ermine in Summer"; Plate 11; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03911; "Ermine in Winter"; Plate 12; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03899; "European Ibex"; Plate 7; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03606; "Falkland Island Aguara Doge"; Plate 23; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03928; "Felis Chaus"; Plate 32; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03924; "Felis Leo Melanochoetus or Black-Maned Lion)"; Plate 10; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Matted; $55.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03927; "Felis Uncia (cat)"; Plate 12; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 02267; "Felis, v. Angorensis"; Plate 28; William Jardine; c. 1860; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Matted; $55.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03603; "Feral Dog of St. Domingo"; Plate 1; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03868; "Field Mouse"; Plate 26; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03652; "Fox Hound"; Plate 12; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03932; "GaladictisChrysogastes (cat)"; Plate 7; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03925; "Galictis Vittata (cat)"; Plate 14; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03856; "Gayal or Silhet Cattle"; Plate 32; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03931; "Genetta Tigrina"; Plate 8; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03902; "Goats of Nepaul & Upper Egypt"; Plate 10; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03883; "Greater Horse-Shoe Bat"; Plate 1; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03577; "Greenland or Harp Seal"; Plate 7; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03597; "Greenland Seal"; Plate 19; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03642; "Grey Fox"; Plate 22; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 05728; "Grim"; Plate 32; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 X 3.5; Portfolio; $15.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03915; "Guaraya Aguara-Fox"; Plate 28; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03580; "Halichoerus Griseus"; Plate 10; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03879; "Halmaturus Rutilans (rabbit)"; Plate 29; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 05725; "Hapales Jacchus"; Plate 27; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 X 3.5; Portfolio; $15.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 02271; "Hare"; Plate 30; William Jardine; c. 1860; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Matted; $55.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03887; "Harnessed Antelope"; Plate 1; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03922; "Hemigalea Zebra (cat)"; Plate 9; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03939; "Herpestes Mungo"; Plate 5; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03599; "Hoary Aguara Dog"; Plate 22; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03638; "Hyaena of Albara"; Plate 26; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03874; "Hydrochaerus Cabial (rodent)"; Plate 27; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03619; "Hyena, Fox, Newfoundland (skulls)"; Plate 31; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 4 x 6; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 08436; "Hylobates agilis. Female"; Plate 5; William Jardine; 1833; Engraving, HC; 3.5 x 5.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03558; "Hypsiprymnus Murinus"; Plate 17; William Jardine; c. 1850; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03540; "Hypsiprymnus Prnicillatus"; Plate 16; William Jardine; c. 1850; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03853; "Impoopo or Elk Antelope"; Plate 19; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03860; "India Ox or Zebu"; Plate 26; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 08456; "Inuus Sylvanus"; Plate 15; William Jardine; 1833; Engraving, HC; 3.5 x 5.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03648; "Isle of Skye Terrier"; Plate 18; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03900; "Jemlah Goat"; Plate 8; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 05713; "Kevel"; Plate 26; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 X 3.5; Portfolio; $15.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 05716; "Klip Singer"; Plate 50; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 X 3.5; Portfolio; $35.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03855; "Koodoo (ungulate)"; Plate 20; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03634; "Lalande's Agriodus"; Plate 30; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03639; "Lalands Zerda"; Plate 23; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 08438; "Lasiopyga Nemea"; Plate 7; William Jardine; 1833; Engraving, HC; 3.5 x 5.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03882; "Long-Eared Bat"; Plate 2; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 4 x 6.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 08437; "Macacus (Maimon) Brachyurus"; Plate 1; William Jardine; 1833; Engraving, HC; 3.5 x 5.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03556; "Macropus Bennettii"; Plate 19; William Jardine; c. 1850; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03554; "Macropus Derbianus"; Plate 21; William Jardine; c. 1850; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03559; "Macropus Parryi"; Plate 18; William Jardine; c. 1850; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03555; "Macropus Penicillatus"; Plate 22; William Jardine; c. 1850; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03557; "Macropus Ualabatus"; Plate 20; William Jardine; c. 1850; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03918; "Magellanic Aguara Fox"; Plate 30; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03594; "Manatus"; Plate 26; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03659; "Maned Aguara"; Plate 21; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03600; "Mastiff of Thibit"; Plate 19; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03938; "Mephitis Chilensis"; Plate 13; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03628; "Mexican Wolf"; Plate 4; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03884; "Muntjak (deer)"; Plate 19; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 08445; "Mycetes Ursinus"; Plate 19; William Jardine; 1833; Engraving, HC; 3.5 x 5.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 02264; "Mydaus Meliceps, Teligox or Stinkard"; Plate 15; William Jardine; 1850; Engraving, HC; Matted; $55.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03544; "Myrmecobius Fasciatus"; Plate 11; William Jardine; c. 1850; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03934; "Myrmecophaga Jubata or Great Anteater"; Plate 22; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03637; "Naked Hyaena of the Desert Afriac"; Plate 27; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 08443; "Nasalis Larvatus"; Plate 6; William Jardine; 1833; Engraving, HC; 3.5 x 5.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03929; "Nasua (Solitaria) Monachus (cat)"; Plate 18; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03622; "New Holland Dingo"; Plate 10; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 02274; "Newfoundland Dog"; William Jardine; 1840; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Matted; $55.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03627; "North American Prairie Wolf"; Plate 5; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03578; "Ocean Seal of Lepechin"; Plate 7; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03658; "Oriental Hound"; Plate 11; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03569; "Ornithovhynchus Paradoxus"; Plate 34; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03593; "Otaria Falklandica"; Plate 25; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03590; "Otaria Pusilla"; Plate 20; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03592; "Otaria Ursina"; Plate 23; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 00778; "Otaria Ursina (Stellar Sea Lion)"; Plate 21; William Jardine; c. 1850; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Matted; $55.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03640; "Painted Lycaon"; Plate 24; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03620; "Painted Thous-Dog"; Plate 11; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03612; "Pale Dog-Fox"; Plate 17; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 05710; "Pallah"; Plate 29; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 X 3.5; Portfolio; $15.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 08451; "Papio Leucophaeus"; Plate 18; William Jardine; 1833; Engraving, HC; 3.5 x 5.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 08457; "Papio Mormon"; Plate 17; William Jardine; 1833; Engraving, HC; 3.5 x 5.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 08455; "Papio Sylvanus"; Plate 16; William Jardine; 1833; Engraving, HC; 3.5 x 5.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03940; "Paradoxurus Dubius"; Plate 6; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 06184; "Parent of the Modern Coach Dog"; Plate 14; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 3.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03541; "Perameles Gunnii"; Plate 15; William Jardine; c. 1850; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03545; "Perameles Lagotis"; Plate 12; William Jardine; c. 1850; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03542; "Perameles Nasuta"; Plate 13; William Jardine; c. 1850; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03543; "Perameles Obesula"; Plate 14; William Jardine; c. 1850; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03907; "Persian Sheep"; Plate 16; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03573; "Petaurus Breviceps"; Plate 29; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03572; "Petaurus Pygmaeus"; Plate 30; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 4 x 6; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03571; "Petaurus Taguanoides"; Plate 27; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03550; "Phalangista Cookii"; Plate 25; William Jardine; c. 1850; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03551; "Phalangista Nana"; Plate 26; William Jardine; c. 1850; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03553; "Phalangista Viverrina"; Plate 24; William Jardine; c. 1850; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03552; "Phalangista Vulpina"; Plate 23; William Jardine; c. 1850; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03546; "Phascogale Flavipes"; Plate 9; William Jardine; c. 1850; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03547; "Phascogale Murina"; Plate 10; William Jardine; c. 1850; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03548; "Phascogale Penicillata"; Plate 8; William Jardine; c. 1850; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 01174; "Phascolarctos Fuscus (Koala)"; Plate 18; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Matted; $45.00; Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03567; "Phascolomys Wombat"; Plate 32; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03575; "Phoca Barbata"; Plate 5; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03576; "Phoca Bicolor"; Plate 6; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03582; "Phoca Leopardina"; Plate 12; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03581; "Phoca Leptonyx"; Plate 11; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03585; "Phoca Mitrita"; Plate 15; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03583; "Phoca Monarchus"; Plate 13; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03586; "Phoca Proboscidea"; Plate 16; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03595; "Phoca Vitulina"; Plate 2; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03913; "Pine Martin"; Plate 14; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03885; "Pita Brochet (deer)"; Plate 18; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 08442; "Pithecia Melanocephala"; Plate 26; William Jardine; 1833; Engraving, HC; 3.5 x 5.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 08439; "Pithecus Satyrus"; Plate 2*; William Jardine; 1833; Engraving, HC; 3.5 x 5.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 08440; "Pithecus Satyrus"; Plate 2; William Jardine; 1833; Engraving, HC; 3.5 x 5.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03909; "Polecat"; Plate 10; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03647; "Poodle and Bull Dog"; Plate 20; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03935; "Procyon Cancrivorus or Crab Eating Racoon"; Plate 19; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 05704; "Prong-Horned Antelope"; Plate 22; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 X 3.5; Portfolio; $15.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03608; "Red -Backed Fennec"; Plate 20; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03880; "Reddish Grey Bat"; Plate 3; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 4 x 6.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03905; "Rocky Mountain Sheep"; Plate 13; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03892; "Roe Deer"; Plate 34; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 05720; "Rusa or Timor"; Plate 12; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 X 3.5; Portfolio; $15.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03877; "Sciurus Hypoleucus or Duvaucels Squirrel"; Plate 24; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $65.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03649; "Scotch Terrier"; Plate 18; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03591; "Sea Bear of the Southern Ocean"; Plate 22; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03588; "Sea Lion of the South Seas"; Plate 18; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 02231; "Seal"; Plate 17; William Jardine; 1850; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Matted; $55.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 08454; "Semnopithecus Entellus"; Plate 9; William Jardine; 1833; Engraving, HC; 3.5 x 5.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03616; "Senegal Thous-Dog"; Plate 13; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03630; "Setter"; (no number); William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 02262; "Setter and Cocker"; Plate 15; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; Matted; $55.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03865; "Short Tailed Campagnol (rodent)"; Plate 29; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 05707; "Soemmering's Antelope"; Plate 28; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 X 3.5; Portfolio; $25.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03873; "Sorex Remifer (rodent)"; Plate 7; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03886; "Spotted Axis (deer)"; Plate 13; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Matted; $55.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03631; "Spotted Hyaena"; Plate 25; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03651; "Springer"; Plate 16; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 05706; "Springer or Springbuck"; Plate 27; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 X 3.5; Portfolio; $25.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03891; "Stag"; Plate 33; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03635; "Strand Hyaena"; Plate 29; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03650; "Terriers"; Plate 17; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 02272; "The Esquimaux Dog"; Plate 2; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Matted; $55.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 05703; "The Great Rusa"; Plate 11; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 X 3.5; Portfolio; $15.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 05717; "Thibetian Musk"; Plate 3; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 X 3.5; Portfolio; $15.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03643; "Tricoulored Fox"; Plate 23; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03611; "Turkish Dog-Fox"; Plate 18; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 06183; "Untitled (dog)"; Plate 9; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 3.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03598; "Walrus"; Plate 20; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03864; "Wapate (ungulate)"; Plate 9; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03912; "Weasel"; Plate 13; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03862; "White Urus (Hamilton wild cattle)"; Plate 24; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03916; "White-Barred Aguara-Fox"; Plate 27; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03923; "Wild Cat"; Plate 17; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03615; "Wild Dog or Thous of Natolia"; Plate 14; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 03896; "Wool Bearing Antelope"; Plate 4; William Jardine; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 08446; "Young Rhesus Monkey"; title page; William Jardine; 1833; Engraving, HC; 3.5 x 5.5; Portfolio; $45.00; Jardine's Naturalist's Library. W.H.Lizars, London 1833-1843 
ID 06158; "Lemur mongoz, var. albifrons, male"; Pl. 136; John Gerrard Keulemans; 1890; Chromolithograph; 13 x 10; Shrink; $125.00; L'Histoire Politique, Physique et Naturelle de Madagascar,by Alfred Grandider, pr. by Becquet, Paris, 1890. Rare, est. 200 copies made. 
ID 06160; "Lemur mongoz, var. rufifrons, female"; Pl. 139; John Gerrard Keulemans; 1890; Chromolithograph; 10 x 13; Shrink; $125.00; L'Histoire Politique, Physique et Naturelle de Madagascar,by Alfred Grandider, pr. by Becquet, Paris, 1890. Rare, est. 200 copies made. 
ID 06159; "Lemur varius, var. ruber"; Pl. 128; John Gerrard Keulemans; 1890; Chromolithograph; 13 x 10; Shrink; $125.00; L'Histoire Politique, Physique et Naturelle de Madagascar,by Alfred Grandider, pr. by Becquet, Paris, 1890. Rare, est. 200 copies made. 
ID 06157; "Lemur varius. var."; Pl. 126; John Gerrard Keulemans; 1890; Chromolithograph; 10 x 13; Shrink; $125.00; L'Histoire Politique, Physique et Naturelle de Madagascar,by Alfred Grandider, pr. by Becquet, Paris, 1890. Rare, est. 200 copies made. 
ID 09768; "Le Dragon, Le Chalcide"; Pl. 12; Lacepede; 1836; Engraving, HC; 4 x 7; Matted; $50.00; l'Histoire Naturelle des Quadrupedes, ovipares, des serpents, des poissons et des cetaces 
ID 08761; "Un Vieux Lion"; Auguste Andre Lancon; 1865; Engraving, Drypoint; 11.75 x 8; Matted; $240.00; Published by Cadart, Paris paper trimmed close to platemark. 
ID 03140; "Comical Dogs"; Sir Edwin Landseer; 1874; Engraving, Steel; Shrink; $45.00; Art Journal. D. Appleton & Co. NY 
ID 03139; "Harvest-Time in the Scottish Highlands"; Sir Edwin Landseer; 1876; Engraving, Steel; 9.75 x 6.75; Shrink; $45.00; Art Journal. D. Appleton & Co. NY Engraved by C.G. Lewis 
ID 03148; "Head of a Deerhound"; Sir Edwin Landseer; 1876; Engraving, Steel; Shrink; $45.00; Art Journal. D. Appleton & Co. NY 
ID 03144; "In the Glen"; Sir Edwin Landseer; 1876; Engraving, Steel; Shrink; $45.00; Art Journal. D. Appleton & Co. NY Engraved by C.G. Lewis 
ID 03151; "Oxen at the Tank: Geneva"; Sir Edwin Landseer; 1876; Engraving, Steel; Shrink; $45.00; Art Journal. D. Appleton & Co. NY Engraved by C. Cousen 
ID 03149; "Safe!"; Sir Edwin Landseer; 1874; Engraving, Steel; Shrink; $45.00; Art Journal. D. Appleton & Co. NY 
ID 03147; "The Dog and the Shadow"; Sir Edwin Landseer; 1874; Engraving, Steel; Shrink; $45.00; Art Journal. D. Appleton & Co. NY 
ID 03146; "The Friend in Suspense"; Sir Edwin Landseer; 1874; Engraving, Steel; Shrink; $45.00; Art Journal. D. Appleton & Co. NY 
ID 03142; "The Pet of the Duchess"; Sir Edwin Landseer; 1876; Engraving, Steel; Shrink; $45.00; Art Journal. D. Appleton & Co. NY Engraved by C.G. Lewis 
ID 03143; "There's No Place Like Home"; Sir Edwin Landseer; 1874; Engraving, Steel; Shrink; $45.00; Art Journal. D. Appleton & Co. NY 
ID 03141; "Waiting for the Countess"; Sir Edwin Landseer; 1874; Engraving, Steel; Shrink; $45.00; Art Journal. D. Appleton & Co. NY 
ID 09272; "In the Glen"; Sir Edwin Landseer, After; 1876; Engraving, Steel; 9.75 x 6.75; Shrink; $35.00; Art Journal. D. Appleton & Co. NY. Engraved by C.G. Lewis 
ID 09275; "Oxen at the Tank: Geneva"; Sir Edwin Landseer, After; 1876; Engraving, Steel; 9.75 x 6.75; Shrink; $45.00; Art Journal. D. Appleton & Co. NY. Engraved by C. Cousen 
ID 09252; "Safe!"; Sir Edwin Landseer, After; 1876; Engraving, Steel; 9.75 x 6.75; Shrink; $45.00; Art Journal. D. Appleton & Co. NY. Engraved by C.G. Lewis 
ID 05042; "The Beggar"; Sir Edwin Landseer, After; 1876; Etching; 8 x 6; Shrink; $35.00; Art Journal. D. Appleton & Co. NY. Engraved by C.G. Lewis 
ID 09265; "The Pet of the Duchess"; Sir Edwin Landseer, After; 1876; Engraving, Steel; 9.75 x 6.75; Shrink; $45.00; Art Journal. D. Appleton & Co. NY. Engraved by C.G. Lewis 
ID 05001; "The Stable"; Sir Edwin Landseer, After; 1876; Engraving, Steel; 10 x 7; Shrink; $25.00; Art Journal. D. Appleton & Co. NY. Engraved by C.G. Lewis 
ID 09278; "The Three Dogs"; Sir Edwin Landseer, After; 1876; Engraving, Stipple; 9.75 x 6.75; Shrink; $35.00; Art Journal. D. Appleton & Co. NY. Engraved by C. Mottram 
ID 05955; "Gordon Setter"; P. Mahler; $45.00 
ID 06324; "Strombi (Shells)"; Tab. CXLVII; Freidrich Heinrich Wilhelm Martini; 1768-86; Engraving, HC; 9 x 11; Shrink; $195.00; Newes Systematisches Conchylien Cabinet. 1768-86. Publ. Nuremburg, Bauer & Raspe 
ID 10649; "Alcyonium Schlosseri (Schlosserian Alcyonium)"; No. 748; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 4.25 x 6.5; Portfolio; $95.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10679; "Ambonia Lizard"; No. 403; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 6.75 x 4.5; Portfolio; $85.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10652; "Ascidia Aurantium (Orange Ascidia)"; No. 532; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 4 x 4.5; Portfolio; $65.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10651; "Ascidia Clavata (Clavate Ascidia)"; No. 154; Frederick P. Nodder; 1793; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 4.25 x 7.5; Portfolio; $75.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10677; "Basillisk"; No. 142; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 8.25 x 4; Portfolio; $75.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10904; "Bell Medusa"; No.196; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 4.5 x 7; Portfolio; $85.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10644; "Canadian Sheep"; No. 610; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 6.5 x 4.5; Portfolio; $75.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10630; "Cancer Bernardus (Hermit Crab)"; No. 308; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 5 x 7; Portfolio; $85.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10627; "Centriscus Scolopax (Zebra Cowry)"; No. 583; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 4.5 x 2.7; Portfolio; $55.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10658; "Chiton Squamosus (Scaly Chiton)"; No. 257; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 3.25 x 6.5; Portfolio; $45.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10681; "Coluber Nasicornis (Horn-nosed Snake)"; No. 94; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 7.5 x 4.25; Portfolio; $95.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10628; "Conus Aulicus (Porphyry Cone)"; No. 396; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 3.5 x 5.75; Portfolio; $75.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10656; "Doris Radiata (Radiated Doris)"; No. 221; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 4 x 5.5; Portfolio; $75.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10678; "Flying Dragon"; No. 8; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 4.75 x 8.25; Portfolio; $85.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10907; "Great Actinia"; N0. 330; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 4.5 x 6.5; Portfolio; $95.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 11120; "Horothuria tremula"; No. 172; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 7 x 4.5; Portfolio; $85.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 11159; "Imbricated Tortoise"; Pl. 287; Frederick P. Nodder; 1973; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 7.5 x 4.5; Portfolio; $125.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10661; "Lemon Doris"; No. 146; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 4 x 6; Portfolio; $50.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 
ID 10642; "Lemur Minutus (Minute Lemur)"; No. 570; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 4.5 x 5.5; Portfolio; $75.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10626; "Lepas Anserifera (Anserine Barnacle"; No. 554; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 4 x 4.75; Portfolio; $45.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10625; "Lepas Aurita (Eared Barnacle)"; No. 672; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 4.75 x 6.75; Portfolio; $75.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 11119; "Madrepore terebella"; No. 290; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 4.5 x 7; Portfolio; $55.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10655; "Monoculus Apus (Cancroid Monoculus)"; No. 368; Frederick P. Nodder; 1799; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 4.5 x 7.25; Portfolio; $55.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10657; "Monoculus Cypronaceus (Carp Monoculus)"; No. 736; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 4 x 5; Portfolio; $35.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10623; "Muricated Serpula"; No. 575; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 2.75 x 4.75; Portfolio; $45.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10622; "Mytilus Camellii (Duck's Bill Muscle)"; No. 315; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 4 x 6; Portfolio; $45.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10579; "Onxhisium Typhe (Limacine Onchidium)"; No. 740; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 4 x 4.5; Portfolio; $35.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10659; "Pennatula Cynomorion (Finger-Shaped Pennatula)"; No. 170; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 3.25 x 5.75; Portfolio; $50.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10675; "Pipa or Toad of Surinam"; No. 17; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 7.5 x 4.5; Portfolio; $75.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10665; "Pulmonic Medusa"; No. 299; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 5.25 x 7.75; Portfolio; $95.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10654; "Pyrosoma Phosphorescens (Phosphoric Pyrosoma)"; No. 662; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 2.5 x 5.5; Portfolio; $55.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10676; "Rana Cornuta (Horned Frog)"; No. 76; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 5.25 x 7.75; Portfolio; $85.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10641; "Sorex Bicolor (Water Shrew)"; No. 56; Frederick P. Nodder; 1791; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 6.25 x 4; Portfolio; $45.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10643; "Southern Petaurus (Flying Squirrel)"; No. 60; Frederick P. Nodder; 1791; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 8.25 x 4.5; Portfolio; $75.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10648; "Spongia Infundibulum"; No. 139; Frederick P. Nodder; 1793; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 4 x 7.5; Portfolio; $75.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10640; "Striped Mouse"; No. 73; Frederick P. Nodder; 1791; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 6.25 x 4.25; Portfolio; $25.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10624; "Surpula Anguina (Anguine Serpula)"; No. 571; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 2.5 x 6; Portfolio; $45.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10629; "Turbo Pica (Magpie Turbo)"; No. 562; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 3 x 5.5; Portfolio; $75.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10653; "Turret Puffball"; No. 415; Frederick P. Nodder; 1800; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 2.25 x 14.25; Portfolio; $65.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 
ID 10645; "Ursine Bradypus (Ursiform Sloth)"; No. 58; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 8 x 4.75; Portfolio; $75.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 10646; "Vorticella Convallaria (Convallarian Vorticella)"; No. 312; Frederick P. Nodder; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 2.75 x 3.75; Portfolio; $50.00; George Shaw: The Naturalist's Miscellany Publ. by Elizabeth Nodder, printed by McMillan, Buchanan London 1789-1813 (includes description pages) 
ID 01938; "Curious Species of Ascarides"; J. Pass; 1800; Engraving, HC; 8.5 x 10.75; Matted; $65.00; J. Wilkes, Encyclopedia Londinensis. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown. Paternoster Row, London 
ID 01810; "Amphibia: Otophis Eryx"; Tab. 3; Jean Gabriel Pretre; 1842; Engraving, Copperplate,Stipple, HC; 10.5 X 15.75; Shrink; $250.00; M. Anatole de Demidoff:Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale et la Crimee, Hongrie, Valachie, Moldavie. Published by Ernest Bourdin, Paris 1842. Engraved by Oudet. color by Gerard, Bougeard imp. 
ID 01785; "Cardium crenulatum"; Pl. 10; Jean Gabriel Pretre; 1842; Engraving, Copperplate,Stipple, HC; 10.5 X 15.75; Shrink; $175.00; M. Anatole de Demidoff:Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale et la Crimee, Hongrie, Valachie, Moldavie. Published by Ernest Bourdin, Paris 1842. Engraved by Mougeot, color by Gerard, Bougeard imp. 
ID 01769; "Mollusca: Belemnites ponticus"; Tab. 2; Jean Gabriel Pretre; 1842; Engraving, Copperplate,Stipple, HC; 10.5 X 15.75; Shrink; $350.00; M. Anatole de Demidoff:Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale et la Crimee, Hongrie, Valachie, Moldavie. Published by Ernest Bourdin, Paris 1842. Engraved by Forget color by Gerard, Bougeard imp. 
ID 01701; "Mollusca: Cardium augusticostatum"; Tab. 8; Jean Gabriel Pretre; 1842; Engraving, Copperplate,Stipple, HC; 10.5 X 15.75; Shrink; $350.00; M. Anatole de Demidoff:Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale et la Crimee, Hongrie, Valachie, Moldavie. Published by Ernest Bourdin, Paris 1842. Engraved by Leu, color by Gerard, Bougeard imp. 
ID 01768; "Mollusca: Cardium Gouriessi"; Tab. 7; Jean Gabriel Pretre; 1842; Engraving, Copperplate,Stipple, HC; 10.5 X 15.75; Shrink; $375.00; M. Anatole de Demidoff:Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale et la Crimee, Hongrie, Valachie, Moldavie. Published by Ernest Bourdin, Paris 1842. Engraved by Leu, color by Gerard, Bougeard imp. 
ID 01767; "Mollusca: Cardium semisulcatum"; Tab. 9; Jean Gabriel Pretre; 1842; Engraving, Copperplate,Stipple, HC; 10.5 X 15.75; Shrink; $350.00; M. Anatole de Demidoff:Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale et la Crimee, Hongrie, Valachie, Moldavie. Published by Ernest Bourdin, Paris 1842. Engraved by Leu, color by Gerard, Bougeard imp. 
ID 01702; "Mollusca: Lymnea peregrina"; Tab. 3; Jean Gabriel Pretre; 1842; Engraving, Copperplate,Stipple, HC; 10.5 X 15.75; Shrink; $325.00; M. Anatole de Demidoff:Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale et la Crimee, Hongrie, Valachie, Moldavie. Published by Ernest Bourdin, Paris 1842. Engraved by Leu, color by Gerard, Bougeard imp. 
ID 02887; "Mollusca: Ostrea Defrancii"; Pl. 11; Jean Gabriel Pretre; 1842; Engraving, Copperplate,Stipple, HC; 10.5 X 15.75; Matted; $475.00; M. Anatole de Demidoff:Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale et la Crimee, Hongrie, Valachie, Moldavie. Published by Ernest Bourdin, Paris 1842. Engraved by Forget, color by Gerard, Bougeard imp. 
ID 01705; "Mollusca: Ostrea mirabilis"; Tab. 5; Jean Gabriel Pretre; 1842; Engraving, Copperplate,Stipple, HC; 10.5 X 15.75; Shrink; $375.00; M. Anatole de Demidoff:Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale et la Crimee, Hongrie, Valachie, Moldavie. Published by Ernest Bourdin, Paris 1842. Engraved by Forget, color by Gerard, Bougeard imp. 
ID 01704; "Mollusca: Ostrea mirabilis & Nautilus"; Tab. 12; Jean Gabriel Pretre; 1842; Engraving, Copperplate,Stipple, HC; 10.5 X 15.75; Shrink; $375.00; M. Anatole de Demidoff:Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale et la Crimee, Hongrie, Valachie, Moldavie. Published by Ernest Bourdin, Paris 1842. Engraved by Mougeot, color by Gerard, Bougeard imp. 
ID 07459; "Horsemen"; Plate 4; G.P. Rugendas, After; c. 1700; Engraving, Copperplate; 6 x 5; Shrink; $150.00; Engraved by G. C. Bodenehr 
ID 10807; "Le Cameleon"; Guill. T. Sas; 1848; Engraving, HC; 6.5 x 10; Shrink; $40.00; Buffon Histoire Naturale 
ID 04876; "Horses Alarmed by Wolves"; A. Schreyer, After; 1879; Engraving, Wood; 8.5 x 5; Portfolio; $20.00; Sandhurst,P.T.,Table Book of Art, San Francisco, A.Roman & Co. Pub. 1879 
ID 02495; "Mammalia: Mus hortulanus"; Tab. 4; C. Schuler; 1842; Engraving, Copperplate,Stipple, HC; 10.5 X 15.75; Shrink; $525.00; M. Anatole de Demidoff:Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale et la Crimee, Hongrie, Valachie, Moldavie. Published by Ernest Bourdin, Paris 1842. Engraved by Annedouche, color by Gerard, Bougeard imp. 
ID 01772; "Polypi: Anatomie et development du Tendra zostericola"; Tab. 2; C. Schuler; 1842; Engraving, Copperplate,Stipple, HC; 10.5 X 15.75; Shrink; $175.00; M. Anatole de Demidoff:Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale et la Crimee, Hongrie, Valachie, Moldavie. Published by Ernest Bourdin, Paris 1842. Engraved by Forget color by Gerard, Bougeard imp. 
ID 07378; "Black Iguana"; P.J. Smit; 1890; Chromolithograph; 5 x 8; Matted; $45.00; Alfred E. Brehm, Tierleben, Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig und Wien, 1890 
ID 07377; "Flugdrache"; P.J. Smit; 1890; Chromolithograph; 5 x 8; Matted; $45.00; Alfred E. Brehm, Tierleben, Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig und Wien, 1890 
ID 10030; "Ursus Arctos Linn. Niger"; Pl. CXL; H.I Tyroff; 1780; Engraving, Copperplate, HC; 7 x 9.5; Matted; $300.00; Schreber,Johann. Historie Naturalle des Quadrupedes Represente d'apre nature. V. 3 Wolfgang Walther 
ID 06896; "Anteater, Sloth, Porcupine"; Plate 5; Unknown; 19th c.; Chromolithograph; 16 x 13; Shrink; $65.00 
ID 08246; "Aye-Aye (Cheiromys madagascariensis)"; Unknown; 1895; Chromolithograph; 2.5 x 4.5; Matted; $22.00; Alfred H. Miles: Five Hundred Fascinating Animal Stories, The Christian Herald, 1895 
ID 06898; "Baboon, Mandrill, Bats"; Plate 1; Unknown; 19th c.; Chromolithograph; 16 x 13; Matted; $75.00 
ID 08258; "Beaver (Castor Canadensis)"; Unknown; 1895; Chromolithograph; 4.5 x 2.5; Matted; $22.00; Alfred H. Miles: Five Hundred Fascinating Animal Stories, The Christian Herald, 1895 
ID 08254; "Botched Genett (Genetta vulgaris)"; Unknown; 1895; Chromolithograph; 4.5 x 2.5; Matted; $22.00; Alfred H. Miles: Five Hundred Fascinating Animal Stories, The Christian Herald, 1895 
ID 06888; "Camel, Llamas"; Plate 6; Unknown; 19th c.; Chromolithograph; 16 x 13; Shrink; $65.00 
ID 08250; "Cheetah (Guepara jubata)"; Unknown; 1895; Chromolithograph; 4.5 x 2.5; Matted; $22.00; Alfred H. Miles: Five Hundred Fascinating Animal Stories, The Christian Herald, 1895 
ID 06890; "Chickens, Pheasants, Peacock"; Plate 18; Unknown; 19th c.; Chromolithograph; 16 x 13; Shrink; $65.00 
ID 11651; "Coral"; Unknown; Engraving, HC; 3.5 x 5.5; Portfolio; $25.00; Virtue Animals and Plants of the Bible 
ID 08265; "Ermine (Mustela erminea)"; Unknown; 1895; Chromolithograph; 4.5 x 2.5; Matted; $22.00; Alfred H. Miles: Five Hundred Fascinating Animal Stories, The Christian Herald, 1895 
ID 08244; "Galago (Otolicnus galago)"; Unknown; 1895; Chromolithograph; 2.5 x 4.5; Matted; $22.00; Alfred H. Miles: Five Hundred Fascinating Animal Stories, The Christian Herald, 1895 
ID 08242; "Gorilla"; Unknown; 1895; Chromolithograph; 2.5 x 4.5; Matted; $22.00; Alfred H. Miles: Five Hundred Fascinating Animal Stories, The Christian Herald, 1895 
ID 11649; "Ibex or Rock Goat"; Unknown; Engraving, HC; 5.5 x 3.5; Portfolio; $25.00; Virtue Animals and Plants of the Bible 
ID 08255; "Kangaroo (Macropodida)"; Unknown; 1895; Chromolithograph; 4.5 x 2.5; Matted; $22.00; Alfred H. Miles: Five Hundred Fascinating Animal Stories, The Christian Herald, 1895 
ID 06894; "Marsupials"; Plate 13; Unknown; 19th c.; Chromolithograph; 16 x 13; Shrink; $65.00 
ID 06882; "Moose, Deer, Giraffe"; Plate 7; Unknown; 19th c.; Chromolithograph; 16 x 13; Shrink; $65.00 
ID 08243; "Orang-Outang (Simia satyrus)"; Unknown; 1895; Chromolithograph; 2.5 x 4.5; Matted; $22.00; Alfred H. Miles: Five Hundred Fascinating Animal Stories, The Christian Herald, 1895 
ID 09279; "Paradoxical Frog and Horned Toad"; Pl. CLXXI; Unknown; 1812; Engraving, HC; 5.25 x 8.5; Framed; $170.00; London, Published by Sherwood & Co. Paternoster Row, July 1st 1812 
ID 08105; "Pearl-Oyster"; Unknown; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 5.5 x 3.5; Matted; $35.00; Virtue Animals and Plants of the Bible 
ID 08200; "Pointer (dog)"; Plate 45; Unknown; 1811; Etching, HC; 4.5 x 7; Matted; $30.00 
ID 10670; "Pouched Marmot, Prairie Dog and others"; Pl. LVII; Unknown; 1880; Chromolithograph; 5.5 x 8; Portfolio; $65.00; Johnson's Household Book of Nature. 27 Beekman Street. NY 
ID 08248; "Puppies"; Unknown; 1895; Chromolithograph; 4.5 x 2.5; Matted; $22.00; Alfred H. Miles: Five Hundred Fascinating Animal Stories, The Christian Herald, 1895 
ID 06883; "Snakes, Turtle, Alligator"; Plate 21; Unknown; 19th c.; Chromolithograph; 16 x 13; Shrink; $65.00 
ID 08201; "Spaniel (dog)"; Plate 44; Unknown; 1811; Etching, HC; 4.5 x 7; Matted; $30.00 
ID 11054; "Sunrise Tellin, Florida Shell"; Tab XIX; Unknown; 1757; Engraving, HC; 8 x 10; Shrink; $95.00; George Wolfgang Knorr, Vrnugn de augen und des gemuth. Nurenburg 
ID 10889; "Syrian Rabbit"; Unknown; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 4.5 x 4.75; Shrink; $25.00; Virtue Animals and Plants of the Bible 
ID 08257; "Tatou (Priodonta gigas)"; Unknown; 1895; Chromolithograph; 4.5 x 2.5; Matted; $22.00; Alfred H. Miles: Five Hundred Fascinating Animal Stories, The Christian Herald, 1895 
ID 11531; "The Alligator"; Unknown; 19th C.; Engraving, HC; 5.25 x 3.75; Portfolio; $25.00; Virtue Animals and Plants of the Bible 
ID 11526; "The Asp"; Unknown; 19th C.; Engraving, HC; 5.25 x 3.75; Portfolio; $25.00; Virtue Animals and Plants of the Bible 
ID 11530; "The Chameleon"; Unknown; 19th C.; Engraving, HC; 5.25 x 3.75; Portfolio; $25.00; Virtue Animals and Plants of the Bible 
ID 11529; "The Cormorant"; Unknown; 19th C.; Engraving, HC; 5.25 x 3.75; Portfolio; $25.00; Virtue Animals and Plants of the Bible 
ID 11619; "The Mandrill"; Unknown; 19th C.; Engraving, HC; 5 x 3.5; Portfolio; $25.00; Virtue Animals and Plants of the Bible 
ID 11516; "The Rhinoceros or Unicorn"; Unknown; 19th C.; Engraving, HC; 5.25 x 3.75; Portfolio; $25.00; Virtue Animals and Plants of the Bible 
ID 11522; "The Syrian Bear"; Unknown; 19th C.; Engraving, HC; 5.25 x 3.75; Portfolio; $25.00; Virtue Animals and Plants of the Bible 
ID 07090; "Walrus hunt in the Arctic regions"; Feb 17,; Unknown; 1877; Engraving, Wood; 12 x 8.5; Matted; $45.00; Harper's Weekly 
ID 06897; "Walrus, Seal, Marmot"; Plate 4; Unknown; 19th c.; Chromolithograph; 16 x 13; Matted; $75.00 
ID 08753; "White Rhinoceros"; Unknown; 19th c.; Engraving, HC; 5.5 x 3.75; Matted; $35.00; Virtue Animals and Plants of the Bible 
ID 06322; "Hippopotamus"; Unknown; c. 1850; Engraving, Wood, HC; $125.00; Publ. under direction of the Committee of General Literature and Education, appointed by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 
ID 03418; "Reptiles"; Vol. II; Unknown; 19th c.; Engraving; 9.5 x 12.5; Shrink; $25.00 
ID 10892; "Quadrupeds (Dogs)"; W. Waitz; 1805; Etching, HC; 7.5 x 9.5; Portfolio; $25.00; Bertuch's Bilderbuch fur Kinder. Weimar 
ID 08683; "Part of the Natural History of Asia"; Wallis; 1812; Engraving, Copperplate; 5 x 6.5; Shrink; $25.00; Rev. E. Bloomfield: Complete and Universal Dictionary, Brightly and Kinnersley, Bungay, Suffolk 

Number of rows displayed: 448

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