We have two collections related to Civil War history. Most of the material from these collections is not listed as individual images on our website. Contact us with descriptions of the images or topics you are interested in, or come in to see what we have.

We have images that are full-page, some double-page, and some split-page. Some of the pages have text on one side; some have images on both sides.

Prices: starting at $25 per page.

Frank Leslie’s “Famous Leaders and Battle Scenes of the Civil War”
New York: Mrs. Frank Leslie, 1896. We have most of the images.

Continuation of title: “…The Most Important Events of the Conflict Between the States, Graphically Pictured. Stirring Battle Scenes and Grand Naval Engagements, Drawn by Special Artists on the Spot, Portraits of Principal Participants, Military and Civil: Famous Forts: Pathetic Episodes, etc., etc. The Whole Forming an Authentic Pictorial History of the War, by Such Well-Known Artists as Becker, Crane, Beard, Schell, Lumley, Forbes, Nevill, Davis, Simons, Osborn, Wilcox, Weaver, Bosse, Newton, Rawson, Russell, Sartorious, Chamberlain and Others. A Concise History of the Civil War, Being Official Data Secured from the War Records. With an Introduction by Joseph B. Carr.”

The collection includes battle charts, and illustrations from “Leslie’s Illustrated” newspapers and other publications, many double-page scenes.

“Harper’s Weekly,” 1865
We have most of the 1865 edition. This was one of the most important years in the history of the war, including the assassination of Lincoln, numerous battle reports, and other related news of the time.